Needles Discount
Available only while supplies last. No returns.
Cross Stitch Premier Size 24
Platinum Plated Tapestry / Cross Stitch sewing needles are a luxury needle every serious needle enthusiast should own and they make an ideal gift...
Easy Threading Eye - Cross Stitch 4/8
Platinum Plated Tapestry / Cross Stitch sewing needles are a luxury needle every serious needle enthusiast should own and they make an ideal gift...
Embroidery Size 5/10 Assorted
Embroidery (sizes 5/10 assorted) - For all types of embroidery and crewel on finer fabrics Needle Count 16
Embroidery Size 7
Embroidery (size 7) - Especially sized for picture smocking and "chicken scratch". Needle Count 16
Gold Eye Applique Size 10
Applique - For hand applique, piecing and sewing on delicate fabrics -- thinner and longer than a quilting needle. Needle Count 15
Gold Eye Chenille Size 18
Chenille (sizes 18/22 assorted, sizes 20 and 22) - Similar in length to tapestry needles but with sharp points and a larger eye, this needle...
Gold Eye Chenille Size 20
Chenille (sizes 18/22 assorted, sizes 20 and 22) - Similar in length to tapestry needles but with sharp points and a larger eye, this needle...
Gold Eye Chenille Size 22
Chenille (sizes 18/22 assorted, sizes 20, 22, and 24) - Similar in length to tapestry needles but with sharp points and a larger eye, this...
Gold Eye Chenille Size 24
Chenille (sizes 18/22 assorted, sizes 20, 22, and 24) - Similar in length to tapestry needles but with sharp points and a larger eye, this...
Gold Eye Quilting Between Size 10
Quilting Betweens (sizes 9, 10 & 12) - For quilting, hand piecing and applique. Needle Count 15
Gold Eye Quilting Between Size 12
Quilting Betweens (sizes 9, 10 & 12) - For quilting, hand piecing and applique. Needle Count 15
Gold Eye Sharps Size 10
Milliners (sizes 3/9 assorted) - These needles have endless uses -- basting quilts and other extensive basting jobs, putting eyes on small dolls,...