Needles Discount
Available only while supplies last. No returns.
Gold Eye Tapestry Size 18/22
Tapestry (sizes 18, and 22) - A blunt point needle for cross-stitch, needlepoint, silk ribbon embroidery and embroidery on open-meshed materials. ...
Hand Applique Size 12
Hand Applique - For hand applique, piecing and sewing on delicate fabrics -- thinner and longer than a quilting needle Needle Count 20
Milliners Size 3/9 Assorted
Milliners (sizes 3/9 assorted) - These needles have endless uses -- basting quilts and other extensive basting jobs, putting eyes on small dolls,...
Sharps Size 10
Sharps are a general purpose sewing needle. They are the most common needle found in the home and used by dressmakers around the world. Needle...
Sharps Size 11
Sharps are a general purpose sewing needle. They are the most common needle found in the home and used by dressmakers around the world. Needle...
Sharps Size 12
Sharps are a general purpose sewing needle. They are the most common needle found in the home and used by dressmakers around the world. Needle...